Richtervorstellung Sjoerd Jobse (SE)

Wir freuen uns, dass Sjoerd Jobse (SE) bei uns zu Gast sein wird, um die Flat Coated Retriever zu richten

I have been brought up with Irish Setters since childhood, had my own Irish Setter in my early teens (1986). Have bred 8 Irish Setter litters under my prefix Caemgen’s, bred or owned ca 32 champions and several World Winner titles. I am breeder or owner of numerous group and BIS winners all over Europe and also owned Top Irish Setter of the Year in Sweden and Holland. I have been winner Junior handling finals in Holland 1997 and represented at Crufts 1998.

My judging experience started with junior handling (Holland, Sweden, Iceland, Australia, Belgium, Gibraltar, South Africa). I have judged my first Open Show in the UK in 2012 and I am FCI official judge since 2011. I am complete Group 7 & 8 judge. I have judged in all Scandinavian countries, Holland, South Africa, Czech Republic, Australia & New Zealand, Ireland, Russia, Lithuania, Hungary, UK, Israel, Croatia, Switzerland, Austria Italy, Poland. Also I would like to point out followed all the judging courses and seminars by the Dutch KC and the Swedish KC.

Since 2004 I am very close involved in Retrievers in my personal life and love the breeds.



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