Neuer Termin: Jagdliche Anlagensichtung für Retriever (JAS/R)

Am 18.08.2018 richtet unserer Bezirksgruppe eine JAS/R aus. 

Ort: Raum Westerwald

Prüfungsleitung: nn
Richter 2: Betty Schwieren
Richter 3: Sigrid Semmler
Richter 4: Gabi Elfers

Die Sonderleitung übernimmt:

René Afflerbach
Tel: 02751 / 427499 

Die Meldung ist im Zeitraum vom 15.07.2018 bis 15.08.2018 möglich. Die Meldung zur JAS kann über das Online-Meldeformular oder per E-Mail an die Sonderleitung erfolgen

Richtervorstellung Paula Hill (GB)

Golden Retriever – Hündinnen

Goldens have been very much part of the family since 1978 and in 1981 I ventured into the Show world. This started my love affair of the breed.

As a child I was involved in junior handling as well as competing in the Show ring. Every weekend for 10 years my mother would take me to local Open Shows where I had some moderate success in the breed ring as well as junior handling.

I came back to the show world in 2003 and have been very fortunate to have achieved, 4 Stud Book Numbers including 3 Junior Warrant winners, 1 CC and 3 RCC’s along with 3 Show Certifcate of Merit awards.

My first judging appointment was in July 2007 and I was very proud awarding my first set of CC’s in June 2017. I have also judged my first Gundog Group at Open Show Level.

This will be my very first judging appointment abroad and I am very much looking forward to the opportunity of judging your dogs.

Richtervorstellung Fiona Clarkson (GB)

Golden Retriever – Rüden

I fell in love with Goldens as a child and became the proud owner of my first one at the age of 14. She was the reason I followed my career path in veterinary nursing, although I now work in welfare and am particularly interested in Behaviour.

I have bred and owned two UK Champions, one Irish Champion and 17 Stud Book number holders including Junior Warrants, CC’s and RCC’s.
After a long apprenticeship I started judging only in 1995, awarding CC’s for the first time in 2005.

I enjoy judging abroad and having the opportunity to get hands on different dogs. To date I have judged in Belgium, Italy, Holland, Ireland, France, Denmark, the Czech Republic and Finland, and I am very much looking forward to seeing your dogs in Germany.

Wesenstest am 28.04.2018 mit Klaus Karrenberg

Gestern durften wir bei strahlenden Sonnenschein einen tollen Wesenstest-Tag mit Klaus Karrenberg erleben. Alle 9 Retriever haben bestanden! Wir freuen uns mit allen Teams! 🙂

Es war eine super nette Runde, Herr Karrenberg nahm sich für jedes Team viel Zeit, hat viel erklärt und sehr fair gerichtet. Dafür noch einmal unser ganz herzliches Dankeschön! 

Ebenfalls bedanken wir uns bei allen Teilnehmern, Helfern und der Sonderleitung, für den wirklich tollen Tag. Es hat uns riesen Spaß gemacht!